Windows Embedded Partner.
We are Business-Partner of Microsoft Windows Embedded Solutions. Windows Embedded is a family of operating systems designed for use in embedded systems. Applications are available for wide market, ranging from small-footprint, real-time devices, point of sale (POS) and many more.
HP is global producer of IT-Products. PC-Systems like Server, Workstations, mobile Devices like Laptop and Notebooks. About HP Partner programm we are benefit from HP long time experience in Computersystems and solutions.
AST - Atuomation and control engineering:
Facility-Automation - SiemensSolution-Partner
Company-Profil in PDFAST ist für uns ein wertvoller Partner wenn es um die Einbindung von Prozessen in die IT-Landschaft geht, wie z.B. Visualisierung, Kommunikation usw.
LG Elektronik is a Global-Player high-quality and high-tech Products like Monitors, projectors and many more. As Certified Business Partner from LG we benefit of wide range of productexperiences in Digital Signage and Visualisation.
NEC is Leader in Publich Digital Solutions and offers high-quality products for multiple sorties. Longlifecycle and Protection Glass, as so as high-quality viewing solutions.
Online is leader of Digital Signage Software Solutions Adventure Communication. More than 30.000 installations, in more as 35 Countries, 20 versions of languages. The Main-Focus are in Development international wholesale and retail. Insore TV, kiosk, Info-Terminal, mobile Solutions and many more...
since 2014 we are business partner from Samsung. In more than 70 years, Samsung is a name and a leader in Innovation products all technologys. Samsung has contributed the change the digital world of life.
Since January 2015 we are Partner of Lenovo. Founded in 1984 in a quard shack in Beijing, Lenovo grew to become China´s leading PC company, and then acquired IBMs Personal Computing Division, the creators of the first personal computer.